nsw   vic   qld   wa   act   tas   sa   nt  
nsw   vic   qld   wa   act   tas   sa   nt  


Found 2 listing(s)

Share Accommodation -  Looking for Share Accommodation
Feedback Score: Negative
Date Created: 14-Jul-17
Was the user helpful with your enquiries?: 11111
Was the listing as described by the user?: 1111
How likely are you to contact the user again for a listing?: 1111
Detailed Comments: Testing TestingTesting july 14th

Share Accommodation -  Looking for Share Accommodation
Feedback Score: Neutral
Date Created: 14-Jul-17
Was the user helpful with your enquiries?: 11111
Was the listing as described by the user?: 11111
How likely are you to contact the user again for a listing?: 1111
Detailed Comments: test